我們已訂立不歧視及不 騷擾政策,以協助確保我們所有員工及客戶不論族裔、種族、國籍、血統、膚色、宗教及信仰、性別、性傾向、性別認同或表現、身體及精神殘障、醫學狀況(包括 懷孕)、年齡、婚姻狀況、家庭狀況、公民身份、政治傾向,或任何其他原因或特徵,均可獲得平等對待,受到尊重和享有尊嚴。我們期望客戶及業務夥伴亦會給予 我們的員工同等的對待。
最後更新時間: 2019年5月15日
Non-discrimination and Non-harassment Statement
We have non-discrimination and non-harassment policies in place to help ensure that all members of our staff and customers are treated equally with respect and dignity, regardless of race, ethnicity, national origin, ancestry, color, religion and religious belief, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, physical or mental disability, medical condition (including pregnancy), age, marital status, family status, citizenship status, political affiliation, or on any other basis or characteristic. We expect reciprocal treatment be afforded to our staff from our customers and business partners.
Last updated: 15 May 2019